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(Querist) 04 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 
pls provide full information with example of contradiction,omission and addition
thanks to all learned in advance
PARVEEN DEEPAK ARYA (Expert) 04 June 2009
CONTRADICTION means contrary or opposite or general life we have seen in the past that on one day the leaders make a statement and on the very next day he make another statement reversing his earlier statement this reversion is contradiction .
two opinions opposite to each other are contradictory views.
OMMISSION means an unintentional wrong done in the due course.When a person is supposed to do something but unintentionaly/ inadvertently he does not perform his liability that is called ommission
ADDITION means to add some thing in the subject already in existence. e.g. we add a paragraph in an essay or a column . We paid tax but the authorities after checking our return find it insufficient according to our incom and order us to pay some more tax this tax added to the already paid tax is addition .

n.k.sarin (Expert) 04 June 2009
I do agree with the opinion of Mr.Parveen.
B.B.R.Goud. (Expert) 06 June 2009
I do agree with the learned friends opinion.
KANDE VENKATESH GUPTA (Expert) 09 June 2009
These three words i.e., contradiction, omission and addition are generally come across during the course of criminal trial. The statements of the prosecution witnesses recorded by the police during the course of investigation are the primary allegations based on which the prosecuting agency files charge sheet, upon which the accused are put to trial. During the course of investigation, the witnesses are supposed to state true facts. Omission means, witnesses not speaking to the facts in the court, which he revealed during the course of trial. Addition means, the witness speaking to the facts before the court, which he did not disclose during the investigation in his 161 Cr.P.C. statement. Contradiction means, the witness stating altogether different facts to that of the facts stated in his 161 Cr.P.C. statement nullifying the earlier story. Minor omissions and additions, may not affect the result. However the omissions and additions are major, it would affect the credibility of the prosecution witness. The contradictions, even minor, would affect the credibility of the witness and the accused is entitled to benefit of doubt and seek acquittal in the case.

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