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How to get permanent injunction order on ancestral property,

(Querist) 04 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir,

My Name is Ranganath.T I need some help regards our ancestral property matter.
This is actual our Grand Mother’s Fathers property, there is no brothers for my Grand Mother, and for my father is a only son for my Grand Mother, since from 35 years we are living in her property but some unknowing peoples (neighbors & relatives) are training to get the Khata in their names, because of this reason I need to take the “Permanent Injection order” on the same property kindly tell me what I should do for this matter, and is it possible to get the order from court or any Department.

Kindly oblige and do the needful.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 04 July 2009
Dear Ranganath

You have two options.

1. As per your fact that property is absolute property of yours. File a injuction and also declaration suit against that persons. Revenue documents are not title documents and that documents does not confirm any title of any property.

2. If anyone want to change the katha to secure his name in the relavent document the concern authority should be issued the notice to you for calling any objections from you that time you can file a objections and there only you can prove your title.

sanjeev desai
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 04 July 2009
It is better to file a suit for injunction with the help of your title and possession documents. Though the revenue documents do not prove ownership they are useful to prove your possession. ownership documents can be sale deed or like documents e.g. will, record of right maintained by City Survey Dept etc;
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 05 July 2009
1- First Apply for Record of rigths ,verify , if any fraudlent changes are made or not -verify . If there are no cahnges it is no problem

2- Issue Notice to or submit objections before the recording authority - stating your apprehensions and illegal acts of socalled persons on your property !

3- File a suit agains the so called persons not to interfer with your possession , rights on the proerty and

4- If there is no mutation in your father name in the palce of your Grand mother - take steps to get it mutated in your father name

a.manoharan (Expert) 05 July 2009
I agree almost with all experts herein. File the Suit for Declaration and Permanent Injunction adding Revenue People as parties. First verify your Right of Records. If it is in any of your grand father / mother, father or in your name , it can be used as though your title deeds provided that there was no registered documents for those property. If Right of Records is more than 12 years in anybody's name who can claim the Right of Adverse Possession and he can become the owner even though it was belonging to another's property
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 06 July 2009
I concurred with the opinions given by L friends .You have written that your grand mother have no brothers, then is she had any sisters? If so they also have right over the property.

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