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Civil procedure code

(Querist) 16 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
What is the difference between sections and orders of CPC? If there is a conflict between section and order which one will prevail?
N.K.Assumi (Expert) 16 August 2012
The Code of Civil Procedure Code is divided into two distinct parts, one containing sections dealing with substantive laws and the second parts dealing with Orders and Rules dealing with procedural matters for exercising rights under civil Jurisdictions. I don't think there will be any conflicts between substantive laws ans procedural matters. If you have found any conflicts between the two please point out in the forum, so that we can examine it.
Deekshitulu.V.S.R (Expert) 06 June 2020
Mr Assimu is right. Let us now those conflicting matters in C.P.C
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 June 2020
Author is silent since last 8 years but his query is still being attended. Surprise.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 06 June 2020
Old query, already replied accordingly. Not able to understand why revived at this stage.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 06 June 2020
Even author is unaware about his query but still experts are indulged in pouring their special 'knowledge' after a long gap of 8 years.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 07 June 2020
The query is old, should be treated as dealt with / resolved.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 07 June 2020
Yes. It should be treated as resolveed.

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