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Ancestral agriculture land dispute

(Querist) 28 October 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Ancestral agricultural land of 7.8 acre in Cholavaram west of Cholavaram Panchayat. In 1960 my grand mother owner of above land made a will for the above land and registered it in Kannamangalam sub registrar office that the said property should be equally shared by her two sons 1. Late M Govindareddy (my father) No 2. Late Adhikesavareddy (my uncle). in 1981 both the brothers divided the land mutually not registered it, that time a portion of 30 cent of my father's share grabbed by my uncle's sons and used it. In 2005 a formal Patta was issued by vellore taluk in which the 30 cent of my father's share also included in my uncle's patta In 2012 my uncle's four legal sons divided their share and my father's 30 cent land also and registered in their names without our consent. As my father was died in 2001 and my uncle died in 2013. We are three legal heirs to my father (late M Govindareddy) we all were unaware about the above malpractice since last year. Now my question is it possible to get back the 30 cent of land from my uncle's sons ? If so how can we move kindly suggest us ....
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 November 2017
AS per your post the WILL is registered and you have come to know of variances now.
Did your father ever sign any valid deed in his life time to dispose 30 cents of his share in favor of his brother and/or said sons of brother?
If yes, you may have NO chance.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 02 November 2017
It shall be appropriate to show all mutation records and link docs and said WILL to get proper legal opinion from a very able local senior counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in revenue/property/civil matters.
Janakiraman (Querist) 03 November 2017
Sir, Thank you very much for your valuable advice. I confirmed that my father didn't sign any deed or in any paper in his life time to dispose 30 cent of his share to his brother or his legal heir.

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