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Right of pension after remarriage

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 April 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir's,
I am asking this on behalf of my friend, my friend mother got re-married 3 years ago( AFTER 1ST HUSBAND DIED ) and she has 2 daughters and 1 is 26F Years got Married and another is 23F still Unmarried. My Friend mother's Husband Worked in District Court he died due to heart attack, My Friend Mother Recieving Pension From Past 3 Years. Is It Any possibilities To Claim Pension Her younger Daughter With or without knowing her,

Thank You.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 09 April 2018
Your Friend's wife doesn't have any right to continue to claim any family -pension of her late husband with or without knowledge 9f her 2nd daughter on her remarriage.
Guest (Expert) 09 April 2018
After remarriage of the widow of the deceased employee, his second daughter becomes eligible for family pension.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 09 April 2018
Yes, on the face of the facts posted, she is ineligible for family pension after remarriage. The unmarried daughter daughter is entitled to receive the pension from the date of remarriage of the mother.

However, the facts posted suggests deeper issues.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 April 2018
Respected Sir/Madam, and Thank you so much for all to helping my friend. and one more doubt, Is it possible to claim pension to my friend without telling to her mother ? Just because my friend mother mingled with new husband and she doesn't care of my friend, she is impossible to agree about to give pension to 2nd daughter even her mother ready to leave pension permanently, cause my friend 23f didn't agree to remarriege of her mom.

Thank You,

Sorry for my bad English.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 09 April 2018
We have already suggested you the legal aspects. Please do not draw us into personal issues.
Guest (Expert) 09 April 2018
The pension will automatically stop to be drawn in the name of the mother of your friend, if he provide information about the remarriage of his mother to the pension sanctioning authority. There is no need to inform his mother for sending the information to that office. They would authorise the next eligible member of the family for family pension.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 April 2018
The clear answer also lies in service/pension rules of establishment..
There is NO need for consent of mother that has remarried..
The unmarried is eligible and may approach LOCAL/disbursement office and inform facts of remarriage and apply for pension..under proper acknowledgment.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 April 2018
Your friend’s non agreement to remarriage of her mother is of NO consequence a far as pension si concerned..
Her father has died and her mother can remarry by her sweet will….
The unmarried daughter can also stake claim on estate left by her father for her upbringing, marriage.
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Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 10 April 2018
Although many experts have responded your query posted on behalf of "some other" person, which is perfect and I agree to the same, however, if you are seeking obligation from experts FREE OF COST you are required to disclose your identity as per rules of this platform otherwise no "anonymous" author is entertained.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 10 April 2018
Respected Sir/Madam. Thank you so much for telling Law rules and your support @MS. Usha Kapoor, @P. Venu @Dhingra, @Kumar Doad, @Dr J C Vshista. Actually Im New to this Forum That's why im posted anonymous. and now i'll tell to her about this conversation. From onwards i'll post from my ID.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 April 2018
IT is good to see that some querists come back to thank the contributing experts..

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