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Nia act

(Querist) 04 May 2019 This query is : Resolved 
During cross examination of plaintiff, defendent's lawyer raised objection. I had not submitted permission of partners while lodging complaint to the court. I produced other partners as witnesses. They said the permission was given to working partner verbally. Even original partnership deed was submitted - the court made it an exhibit. Now the query is whether the deficiency in original complaint is satisfied or not?
KISHAN DUTT KALASKAR (Expert) 04 May 2019
Dear Sir,
The court will appreciate the evidence only at the time of dictating judgment and your advocate may advance his arguments and convince the Court as per your case.

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Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 May 2019
What is the suit and complaint?
Whether these are two different cases as "plaintiff" and "defendant" are in a suit whereas, it is not a complaint but a civil suit?
As one of the partners if you have appeared and deposed, let a resolution of BoD be filed authorizing you to proceed/contest.
Verbal permission is inadequate in evidence.
Your lawyer is the best person to advise you, however, if you are not satisfied with his/her response, change him/her immediately.
Y Singh N Rajput (Querist) 05 May 2019
It is NIA case. I had filed the case for recovery of dues. I am working partner and other partners are family members.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 05 May 2019
What is NIA case? Please furnish the facts.

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