Necessity of bail after filing compromise
Querist :
(Querist) 16 June 2019
This query is : Resolved
After two-three days of lodging complaint under section 323,324,34, 506, a compromise was filed in the court. Now is it necessary to get bail of the accused?
Please advise.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 17 June 2019
Complaint/FIR U/S 324 IPC is non-compoundable and non-bailable offence. How the case has been compromised?
What is opinion of your lawyer?
Provide all relevant information to form an opinion and oblige.
krishna mohan
(Expert) 17 June 2019
You can consult your local lawyer. It appears from the link that it is a bailable offence. You can try.
Querist :
(Querist) 03 July 2019
thanks for your reply sir, As a matter of fact the police has diluted the section 324 in the chargesheet, so no arrest has been made till now. My question is whether bail is still needed given that compromise has been filed.
Sb Karma
(Expert) 30 December 2019
If it goes through means case situation may be allowed as per charge sheet
So you need to go with local lawyer who after verify all facts can assist you best,because without knowing relevant of case it's hard to explain,,,and may be its not fully satisfied....So go to local prudent lawyer ASAP