Extension of main objects
Querist :
(Querist) 22 June 2021
This query is : Resolved
we had public charitable trust since 1963 with main objects of goshala and gosamvardhan,due to municipal order we can not run goshala within the municipal limit now we want to extend our objects adding social services and religious services but registrar are not accepting it say that you can not extend or amend the objects
(Expert) 22 June 2021
No. The Registrar shall amend the objects. But you have to convene a meeting with all the trustees and if the majority of trustees agreed to amend the Bylaws, that resolution shall be mentioned in the document. Request the registrar. Otherwise, put an application to the next higher authority.
P. Venu
(Expert) 23 June 2021
Any suggestion depends upon the law under which the trust is registered.
has the registrar refused his denial in writing? If so, you have the options for refusal under the provisions of the RTI Act.
ashok kumar singh
(Expert) 24 June 2021
agreed with views of earlier experts, therefore no further comments, so far.
ashok kumar singh
(Expert) 24 June 2021
agreed with views of earlier experts, therefore no further comments, so far.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 25 June 2021
The objects of the trust that are already available in the trust deed, if desired to be changed, then a resolution in a meeting of the trustees is to be passed by majority of trustees
The copy of the minuets of the meeting as well as the copy of the resolution passed may be attached as well as included in the contents of the trust amendment deed to be presented before registrar for registration.
If the registrar is reusing to register the same citing any relevant laws in this regard and if his contentions are not maintainable as per law then an appeal can be preferred against this decision before the district registrar.