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Corpus fund distribution in society re-development

(Querist) 21 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I have few doubts about Corpus fund being given by the developer to every society member.

1) If the corpus fund being given should be distributed as per the area of the flat or

2) If the fund can be distributed equally among all the members of the society.

3) If the General Body has the authority to take the decision about the Corpus fund

4) Is any law or provision is made in this regards in the Co.Op. Hos. Society Act.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 29 May 2009
I am of the opinion that Gen Body can take a decision

However , the Corpus Fund distribution will take place at the time of windign up of Soceity - The Details are to be cosnidered

However you are required to contact Your Locla area Co- Operative Housing society Sub Registrar -he will give all the details , procedure , bey laws of your socity and steps to be taken .

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