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Correction require in 16 a on a/c of pan --by bank

(Querist) 15 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
when it is found there is the mistake in the NO mentioned in the form 16A & its issued by the bank in the F.Y.2009-10 IN THE LAST qUARTER, NO action is initiated by the bank inspite giving so many time remine?

TDS amt is considerable amt ?
what r the solution to this issue?
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 16 August 2012
Have a discussion with the Branch Manager submitting your PAN Number authenticated copy. If still he does not act, make a complaint to next higher authority in the Bank. If he/she also is not responding complain to the IT Department of the concerned Circle enclosing a copy of correspondence with the Bank.
Sadashiv Rupchand Gaikwad (Expert) 16 August 2012
Bank should revised and correction eTDS Quartlery returns upload at NSDL.Now Paper format F16A is important.Due to lack of knowledge Branch Manager not in a position to guide to the depositor.Pursue of Manager for correction in TDS return return is only proper solution.

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