court fees on succession
shubhashish kr saha
(Querist) 17 August 2009
This query is : Resolved
hi my name is shubhashish saha.I want to know the amount or percentege of court fees on succesion of a property worth 2.20 lakhs..Is this value dependent on the state in which the succesion case is being handled??? If yes i want to know the amount for the state of west bengal
thank you
A V Vishal
(Expert) 17 August 2009
(Note: Subs. by Act 7 of 1889, s.13(I), for the original Articles 11 and 12.) Probate of a will or letters of administration with or without will annexed.
When such amount or value exceeds fifty thousand rupees : Two and one-half per centum on such amount or value.
(Expert) 17 August 2009
court fees on succession vary state to state