Credit card payment
sajjan gupta
(Querist) 10 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
i have taken one credit card of sbi in 2001 and uptill 2007 i paid regularily minimum payment as per statement, but after that i could,not pay regularily. and after some time when aprroached by sbi card collector i asked to settle my card with some relief. they agreed and after some discussion they arrived some settlement amount on phone.but after that they not came for collection. then i aprroached lot of time but failed to come on conclusion. now they put this matter in arbritation in i m in calcutta and the card is issued at calcutta only. since i have no finance to attened arbitrato case in delhi and further i m 56 yrs and my haealth don't permit me to travell so long as i recently suffered from heart allignment.please advise any alternative if i don't appear for abritration. as i read some where that there is court ruling in past that bank can file suit in place of transaction actual held. pls advise
(Expert) 10 October 2011
you can approach the free legal aid office at high court. They will give you correct details for settlement.While going their you get all records of details including your correspondence with the concern office
ajay sethi
(Expert) 10 October 2011
when you purchased a creidt card you must have netered into agreement . if agreement provides i n case of dipsutes matter to be refrred to arbitratio n in delhi only then in such case arbitratio n will b eheld in delhi .
please go through various documents that have been signed by you with SBI
Arun Kumar Bhagat
(Expert) 10 October 2011
If you have not given any cheque then nothing to worry. They intentionally initiate proceeding at a far away place. There are certain finance company who in order to harass creditors file cases at far away place. Let them pass award.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 11 October 2011
It seems some cause of action exist, so i suggest you to follow advise of Shri sankar narayanan.