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Credit card transaction fees - can it be imposed in honk kong?

(Querist) 15 May 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Ld. Friends,

I wish to know is it possible to impose Credit Card Transaction Fees in Hong Kong by Any Entity. E.g. Can Jey Airways impose any amount in Honglong if anyone books a ticket on its website in Hongkong? Or at all it is possible to impose any credit card transaction fees in Hongkong by any Legal Entity? I came to know that recently, hong kong has passed the resolution that credit card transaction fees (of any percentage) can not be imposed by any foreign entity in hong kong. Pls provide your valuable guidance. Pls also provide weblink if any one has. I will search through that link. Thank you.
ajay sethi (Expert) 15 May 2012
we are not aware of laws passed by hong kong in this regard

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