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Crime fir status found in cctns as “case detected” but concern police station saying case not traced

(Querist) 30 January 2014 This query is : Resolved 

Respected Sirs,

I am the complainant of a FIR registered in nearby police station for burgle (House break) of gold jewels and cash in my house on April 2012. I found on 02/01/2014 the status of the said FIR in CCTNS police website as “Case Detected” but concern the Police station officials are saying that your “case not traced yet”. This answer I got from them on 03/01/2014.(This is the answer repeatedly I getting from them in my every visit for the past 21 months).

This is even we handed over the persons (our maid and her husband who involved in this burgle) to the police on the same day of the burgle itself.

I need advice from the experts for further move.

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 30 January 2014
You can file petition in the court of the concerned magistrate asking for status report of the case from police.
On such direction the police is bound to give current status of the case.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 30 January 2014
If police has not initiated any action despite of handing over the accused persons to them, shows it shall not take any action so better to avail the other way. Get the information from the office of SP about the status of FIR as well as the status shown on their site with the application with the concerned court to direct the police to submit its report therein.
K.Pushparaj (Querist) 31 January 2014
Thank you very much for your valuable advise.

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