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criminals commit crimes out of fear of getting mad

(Querist) 19 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
A criminal commits crime under pent up emotions which if not vent out would drive him mad. at that juncture he is at a blind alley. he is to choose between of being a mad or a criminal. the later is preferable .
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 19 July 2009
Mr. Maiti this debate will never end.

there can be n no. of reasons for comission of crime....which r not just confined to pent up emotions.

if this theory has to be accepted then lets be ready to go back to stone age.

Dont mind....its my view.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 19 July 2009
Yes, I too fully agree with the view expressed by learned friend Mr.Kiran Kumar. Crime cannot be justified at any cost in a civilized society. Crime is committed against the entire society and viewed from this angle I am even tempted to argue that let an individual become mad, but none can have social sanction to commit a crime on this justification or reason. Society cannot be allowed to be polluted for the sake of an individual.

A. A. JOSE (Expert) 19 July 2009
I fully agree with the view expressed by learned friend Mr.Kiran Kumar herein above. Crime is committed against the society and no civilized society can give sanction to any individual to commit crime for any reason. I would rather argue that let an individual go mad, but none should have freedom to pollute the society by indulging into crime. Let the society teach the individual to control his emotions, for the sake of his own survival and for the well being and safety of the entire society. If any individual is unable to do so, his place should either be in the Jail or in Mental Hospital
Deekshitulu.V.S.R (Expert) 20 July 2009
It is bettter to go mad than to be a criminal. The society will pity the former but curses the later. Then Mr Maithi which of these two do you opt. As far as I am, the former. The rest is left to the members

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