cruelty of wife

Querist :
(Querist) 24 November 2010
This query is : Resolved
i am an advocate, i had a case, which fact is the wife was cruelly tortured the husband as demanding costly items car and flots at bombay, whereso she through house articles to him, further she fell in epilepsy, when he move near to her for cohabitation, she fell in epilepsy, in this case, i need citation regards the above said fact to get divorce for my client.
Please any body can help me
Thanking you
aman kumar
(Expert) 24 November 2010
medical reports of epilepsy,is sufficient
M V Gupta
(Expert) 28 November 2010
You have not mentioned the personal law governing your client. I presume that they are Hindus. Epilepsy or occsional vioent behaviour may not be sufficient grounds to obtain divorce. You have to establish by medical evidence that the wife is suffering from incurable unsound mind or continuously suffering from mental disorder. Rely more on facts. Judgements are secondary.
Suresh Babu Rai
(Expert) 30 November 2010
If you prove the same, your case it self become a citation for the people who approaches the courts for the same cause, yes Gupts sir is right, citations are secondary..