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Culpable homicide

(Querist) 13 March 2012 This query is : Resolved 
I am a Senior citizen aged 70 years, holding a property in my name at Nagpur for the past 46 years.Property measures 5200.00 Sq feet.

A lawyer has filed a false Petition for partition against me, in a Junior division court having a jurisdiction of Rs. One Lakh only. Value of property is Rs.70.00 lakhs.

He has managed to park this petition in this court for 2 1/2 years through adjournments and Management of Judges.he is demanding out of court settlement for his client with whom he has a percentage basis payment term.

Seeing his influence, I have started getting Cardiac problems and high BP because of tension. It may prove to be fatal for me.

Can this lawyer be charged for CULPABLE HOMI

ajay sethi (Expert) 13 March 2012
how can he be charged for culpable homicide?

your remedy lies in moving court for expediting hearing of the petition .
Deepak Nair (Expert) 13 March 2012
Dear Mr.Yogendra Prasad,
You badly need professional services of a lawyer. Please go for it.

How can we accuse an advocate for culpable homicide just for representing his client??
Ajay Bansal (Expert) 14 March 2012
Shonee Kapoor (Expert) 14 March 2012
Indeed you need an effective lawyer. You can sue him for false case and loss of health because of it. Not for culpable homicide.


Shonee Kapoor
yogendra prasad (Querist) 17 March 2012
Mr. sethi/Shonee kapoor,
I passed my engg. in 1964, and started earning from july 1964. The Petition states that I was only a student in 1966 and not earing a penny in 1966, when the property was purchased. Therefore the property must have been purchased by my father, hence its an encestral property and should be pertitioned.
One non-exhisrant ration card and a telephone bill have been ebclosed as documents.
The petioner started taking adjournments the day we files applications for 9-A order and secondly for dropping of the petition as per CPC Order 7, rule 11.
he started asking for out of turn settlement after 3 months of filing the peyiyion.
This is clearly a harassment of a senior citizen, misusing Law.
There should be some detterant to this. clearly his client has not asked him to wun the case through adjournmrnts.
YV Prasad

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