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Cyber case by wife

(Querist) 17 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 

I am facing, 498a, divorce and manintiaence case where wife demanded x amount for alleged cruelty committed.

now I have got a call from police station she has filed a new complaint stating that I am misusing our orkut/email account.

as per the allegation communicated by police, I have put photo on orkut which anyone can download. Also, I am misusing her id.

I had last used this id in 2011 Jan and I have not uploaded any picture after divorce and 498a case was filed.

Orkut timeline can prove that, second I have not posted by obsense or vulgur picture of my wife.

picture in orkut were uploaded by her and me when she was with me.

Is it time barred to file complaint after 2 year
What is jursitation of case, I am in delhi and she is in kerala.
Based on previous 498a experience police does not do any investigation and record whatever girl has to say.

what are my option.

Thanks for your help
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 17 May 2013
You can make representation to the higher police officials of police citing the true story which you have posted here demanding thorough enquiry in the complaint. The attitude in 498A case and Cyber crime remain altogether different. Mere leveling of allegations is not sufficient rather those are also required to be proved.
ajay sethi (Expert) 17 May 2013
police will make inquiries . only after investigation will they consider complaint seriously
R.K Nanda (Expert) 17 May 2013
no more to add.
Adv k . mahesh (Expert) 17 May 2013
agree with the answers

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