Vishal jain
(Querist) 01 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
Somebody has posted some irregular and misleading material on internet about me without my permission. There are many nos. of websites where these material has been posted.
How should I get that person in prision as it is a cyber crime.
where should I complaint and how to draft the complaint
sanjeev murthy desai
(Expert) 01 July 2009
Dear Mr. Vijay.
File a complaint in your jurisdictional police station against that person and website owner. Nower days every state police has cyber crime branch and those police will tracing that person aginst cyber his crime.
sanjeev murthy desai
(Expert) 01 July 2009
There is no perticuler draft in this regard, write a simple complaint and stating that what was iregulerity and misleading matirial mentioned in the internet those should be mentioned in that complaint and also mentioned your mental harrasment, defemanation created by that person and that website.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 01 July 2009
Sanjeev Desai You are right ! first there must be a complaint , enquiry and other steps will be taken by Cyber Crime Branch
mahendra rai jain
(Expert) 01 July 2009
Yes Mr. Viajy file your complaint in your nearby Police Station with complete facts is simple way. Cyber crime cell will investigate as according..
(Expert) 02 July 2009
I agree with all experts