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Cyber crime law /criminal laws

(Querist) 09 February 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Experts

I am working with IT company, Chennai.I made a face book private message to a girl working with me for wishing Happy pongal.She replied me very abusively/aggressively. The conversation is listed below :

Happy Pongal to you and your family
Herself: I will take Serious action if you communicate Unofficially to me One More time. Do Not Stalk women who work with you.

This conversation made me to feel for more than a month. I want to make an complaint.Can I make a complaint with Human rights commission or cyber crime .Kindly advise me please experts.
DR.VEDULA GOPINATH (Expert) 10 February 2016

approach an advocate and send a defamatory notice

dr vedula gopinath advocate/arbitrator

P. Venu (Expert) 10 February 2016
The incident is too trivial to be taken note of!
H.M.Patnaik (Expert) 10 February 2016
Gentleman, I can understand your feelings, but agree with Mr. venu.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 11 February 2016
No such offence is made out to file a complaint/suit in the circumstances.
Relax and forget the girl and her behaviour but do not repeat any such wishes, especially to women, law of the land is very much pro-female.
DR.VEDULA GOPINATH (Expert) 11 February 2016
I agree with my colleague Dr Vashista opinion that local laws are pro-female.

This aspect is taken as undue advantage by females as also police.

Some of the police complaints are filed with a view to give hardship and trouble to innocent men.

There should be protection to the genuine and innocent men
Narayan (Querist) 07 March 2016
Dear Dr. Vedula Gopinath

For defammation case, do the plantiff and defandant have to be present in front of court. Kindly tell me.

Is there any suit for that ??

Narayan N
Narayan (Querist) 07 March 2016
Thank you all for your valuable comments

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