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Cyber laws

(Querist) 22 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
If one is an adult, is it illegal to watch porn videos or visit sex education sites in the internet in ones personal pc ? How to differentiate which site is legal, and which is illegal?
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 23 July 2008
to watch porn videos is illegal but to visit sex education sites is not illegal as the the government itself is taking steps to give sex education to the people. Now coming to the point of differentiation, you can easily findout whether some thing is done by mistake or by habbit.
KamalNayanSaxena (Expert) 23 July 2008
Surfing porn sites is banned by law. In fact, pornography is totally illegal in India.

Porn is one thing and sex education quite another. Porn engenders myths and can create unrealistic expectations. Awareness of the various facets of sex can be got from authentic sources as opposed to porn!!
arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 23 July 2008
Nothing is illegal unless othrwise prohibited by law for the time being in force. In your case watching porn does not amout to offence. If you show the same with others or share the video clippings with other persons then it amourts to offence which is prohibited by law.
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 24 July 2008
Dear Aditi, Pl go through S.292, 293, 294 of IPC. Obscene is a word which has broad connotation. Some thing which corrupts ones mind is obscene. For eg. Vulgur writting is not necessarily obscene. AIR 1986 SC 967, 1986 Cr.L.J 24. Mere showing of nude female image in film is not obscene 1983 ALL CJ 261 (DB) The test is if the image, book, matter etc is not merely to arouse lustful desire and it has not the effect of only stimulating sex impulses in the reader or veiwer but may form part of an artistic work or intended to propagate ideas or to instill a moral, in that event a matter, image, writting or book cannot be struck down as obscene. This legal position is still hold good. There is no bar for you to veiw a porn video But it is an offence if it has the cahrecteristics of the above said creature.
salilkumarp (Expert) 18 September 2008
watching porn movies in privacy is not an offence at all and in such cases 293 294 ipc etc are not attracted . kerala high court has made it clear s0 many times
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 01 October 2008
It is not an offence as said by Mr. Salimkumar.

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