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daughter right

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 10 February 2010 This query is : Resolved 
one person have two sons and one daughter he has 4acres of agricultural land acquired from his father and he has another 6acres his own property. his childrens became major daughter get married my question is whether daughter has any right to share that property respectively 4&6 acres.she can claim on that property
Arvind Singh Chauhan (Expert) 10 February 2010
Yes she has right.
R.Manivasagan (Expert) 10 February 2010
my question is when the daughter got married?. In Tamilnadu, if she had married before 1984, she lost her proeprty right.

2. further no one has right in the 6 acres, since it is self acquired property

3.In the 4acres, the daughter is having her property right while father shall alive.

Three are two differant judgements in this regard yet to be decided by the Honble Supreme Court.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 10 February 2010
No one has any right untill their father is alive in any property but if their father has expired after 2005 intestate then all legal heirs of him means widow, sons, daughters all are owners in equal share whether it is ancestral or self acquired property.
Ashok Yadav (Expert) 11 February 2010
If father has expired intestate then the daughtor has right in both 6 & 4 Acres. But in fathers lifetime if he had made a will for 6 acres (self aquired property) then the daughtor cant claim in that property as a right if she has not got any share by will in these 6 acres. But in 4 acres ancestral property she can claim her share.

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