daughter's right in partnership property's
(Querist) 15 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
1. What is the right of daughter in partnership property/firm with father and son's as partners? 2.Under hindu succession amendment act 2005 what is the right of daughter in partnership property's/firm with family members alown that is father and son's? Father dies in 2008 interstate? 3.father had invested a huge amountof funds in partnership firm/ paoperty from sale proseed of joint family partnership property along with his brothers.Now after the death of the father the son's have redused the partnership.Now will the daughter's get equale right in the pasrnership property/firm along with the son's? 4.How shoud the daughter's prossed to take legle action? sir please kindly answer my query
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 15 October 2009
Daughter after death of her father is entitled for equal share in the partnership left by her father along-with all his legal heirs. This means if her father had 1/2 share in the partnership and he left 3 legal heirs then the her daughter is entitled to inherit 1/6th share in the partnership. She would have to file a civil suit by engaging a local lawyer for seeking her legal right if is not provided with mutual consultation.
Adv Archana Deshmukh
(Expert) 15 October 2009
Daughter as a legal heir, is entitled for equal share in the partnership left by her father along with the sons. I agree with the opinion of mr.makkad
(Expert) 21 October 2009
i agree with both the advocates answers