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Daugthers fiiled case against Brother and Mother

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 19 April 2011 This query is : Resolved 
My fathers sisters filed case for devidation of ancesytors property.
My Father has done there marriages and there further sadi choli and bought home and also did marriages of there daughter. and education for there daughters.
Also both the daughters took money 80000 Rs from my father 10 years back for leaving there rights and my grand mother and grand father was itness to it. but after death of our grand father both daughters went to court. One sister has given registered hakka sod patra to my father in sub registars office.
other sisters played politically, took money, refused to give hakka sod patra and also deniing for money which my father gave her 10 years back. my grand mother is witness ot it. but todays property value in crores.
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali (Expert) 19 April 2011
you can reply what you said, if you have proof put as a evidence.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 19 April 2011

My father payed money to his sisters 10 years back in front of grandmother and grand father and my mother. No writing has done with regards to it.
But todays both sisters refusing and asking for there share filed case against my grand mother and father ?
what kind of evidences be considered as proof?
will my grand mother and my mother be considered as proof ?
my father has proof of money taken from bank on that day ?

R.Ramachandran (Expert) 19 April 2011
Either oral evidence of your grand mother and your mother, or the proof of having taken the money from the bank by your father etc., are not proof enough.
Unless you have documentary proof that in consideration of the money given by your father, his sister will give away her right to her share in the property, you will have difficulty in rejecting her demand.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 19 April 2011
Will Cheque issued by my Grandfather to Sisiters Husbands name be considered as proof 10 years back ?
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 19 April 2011
They are not proofs. Yes, payments have been made by cheque, so what. It can even be a gift. Just because the money was given, can it be said that they cannot claim any share in the property?
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 20 April 2011
Thanks for your reply.

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