Defamation and obsence:
(Querist) 14 September 2008
This query is : Resolved
What is the difference between obscene and defamation?
(Expert) 14 September 2008
Obscenity is an attack on moral values & it is a criminal libel.Obscenity is usually limited to sex or what people might regard as foul language.
The major difference between defamation and obscene is that accused of obscenity cannot use such defences as truth, fair comment or privilege.
(Querist) 14 September 2008
Does Information and Technology Act 2000 speak about defamation? Some says yes under section 67 of the act, but i do not find the word defamation in that section.Could you kindly give me your opinion?
Manish Singh
(Expert) 15 September 2008
Dear Sir,
Sec 67 does not speak about defamation instead it speaks only about obscenity.
If we have provisions regarding defamation under IPC we need not look into some other laws if there is no specific provision.
under ipc its punishable to defame any person using any form of medium, so it includes electronic form also.