Querist :
(Querist) 11 September 2010
This query is : Resolved
Respected Experts your valuable suggestions are humbly solicited.
What are the defence available with regard to Terms and Conditions of the Bank in credit card, to be taken up during the hearing of the matter. Will you please highlight few suggestive defence.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 11 September 2010
The answer depends upon the nature of the case and the relief sought for.
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 12 September 2010
what are the exact facts of the case?
legal advise depends upon the actual controversy involved.
(Expert) 12 September 2010
Yes. Facts are very important for building up a defence.
Kumar Thadhani
(Expert) 12 September 2010
Grounds are always based on facts and circumstances of the case.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 September 2010
No bank can frame terms and conditions contrary to the specific guidelines framed by RBI to banks and no any temr can be against natural justice and both the parties are bound by the agreement duly signed and agreed between the parties.
Uma parameswaran
(Expert) 12 September 2010
I am supporting Raj kumar's view.
(Expert) 12 September 2010
Main defenses for such type of cases are: Delay in crediting the amount paid. High Interest charged i.e. excess interest more than that prescribed by RBI. Non utilization of the said amount. Wrong entries.
So there are many but each depends on the particular case in question.
Querist :
(Querist) 12 September 2010
Thank you very much everybody.
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