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demarcation of the survey in a combined layout

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 16 February 2011 This query is : Resolved 
when a layout out is prepared by clubbing all the survey numbers i.e Sy No;a Sy.No;b sy.No:c & Sy.No;d into common layout and plots were sold to different persons way back a decade now can these common layout which then approved by the competent authority can go for demarcation. I have heard that there cannot be a demarcation for the coomon layout when the owners of the above survey Numers after agreeing to merge and form a asingle layout. my question is when a common lyout is created for the abcd survey numbers and plots were sold now can there be a boundary dispute
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 05 August 2015
academic/anonymous query can not be answered..

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