Denial of leave encashment on compulsory retirement(officer
(Querist) 30 March 2018
This query is : Resolved
sir, I am a victim who was unfortunately who was dismissed by IOB for some alleged iregularities committed by Manager and me as deputy manager of a branch. There was no monetary loss as alleged by the bank. On appealing to the Appellate authority, they considered various facts of my submission and softened the award as
compulsory retirement with all terminal benefits..pension, gratuity etc. Of course I am getting pension now. But they
have not given me the leave encashment which I was eligible, saying that Leave encashment is not available for
compulsorily retired officers, which I feel is against natural law of justice
Sir. will You be able guide me in this and direct me the recourse?

(Expert) 31 March 2018
Retirement benefits include leave encashment also. You should not have been denied the benefit of leave encashment, even if compulsorily retired. You may take help of some well experienced expert on service laws to help you represent your case effectively after detailed analysis based on your inquiry related documents and decision of the Disciplinary Authority as well as appellate authority.of your case.