Department Promotion Committee
(Querist) 13 May 2009
This query is : Resolved
One of my senior colleague officer in the Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) recently come to know that his two annual confidential reports have been graded as 'Good'. The Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) meeting was held recently. The bencgmark for ACRs for promotion from SAG to HAG (Higher Administrative Grade) is 'Very Good'. He has two 'Good' reports out of last five annual confidential reports. He is likely to miss his promotion if availble remedial measures under the law are not restored to. HE was never communicated the contents of his ACRs and about the 'Good' grading. Recently in one of the cases, Hon'ble Supreme Court (Dev Dutt Vs. UOI) pronounced judgement that the ACR gradings and contents must be communicated to the officer if it is going to effect his promotion. The querry is 'What remedial action should he take'.