(Querist) 01 November 2008
This query is : Resolved
Sir, Will you please the information about the gezette copy of whith areas applied the Depost of title Deed in AP Thank @
(Expert) 03 November 2008
No such notification will be there. Deposit of Title Deeds is a contractual undertaking by owner to a creditor. It is an action under section 100 of the Transfer of proerty act.1882
Manish Singh
(Expert) 04 November 2008
No,mortgage as deposit of title deeds can be done in the notified areas only. you can go to Kitab Mahal and ask them for such ntoifications for A.P. otherwise got to any bank and they will tell you about the notified areas.
(Expert) 04 November 2008
Charge on property is different from Mortgage.
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