devmnt.agrmnt.&poss'n letter for stmpduty-reg.
(Querist) 26 August 2009
This query is : Resolved
I'm a"member-landlord" of Plot-owners co-op hsg socty, in Nashik &develop the same with Devmnt. Agrmnt.[Rs.10/ppr. Notarised] 1989.the developer constructed a bldg.there[12 flats+3 shops]out of which i received 2 flats FREE in lieu of my open plot;the remainning 10 flats+3 shops he sold to outsiders.The poss'n was given to all in 1993.I have only POSS'N LETTER.NO Agrmnt. for sale/sale deed.Q1]being a landlord am i suppose to pay/exumpted from stamp duty ®istation?Q2]if yes & since i dont have any Agrmnt.except the Devmnt.Agrmnt.,POA where in all the terms are mentioned;can be used as Agrmnt.for sale/Sale Deed?Q3]is it possible to undertake Apartmnt declaration-®. without me having any Agrmnt.?please guide.
Gulshan Tanwar
(Expert) 14 January 2011
No one answered the query, pity!!! I am not having time these days will be back to LCI after sometime and then only can answer the same.