difference between
Ladhu Ram Chowdhary
(Querist) 20 September 2008
This query is : Resolved
What difference between sec.26(2) C.P.C. and order 6 Rule 15(4) c.p.c about affidavit
(Expert) 21 September 2008
I think NO difference Sir.
(Expert) 22 September 2008
Both were declaration by the Parties
Section 26(2) deals with filing of affidavit of facts along with the Plaint.
Order VI Rule 15 deals with Verification of pleadings.
I think both are different, in only one way that is as per Section 26(2) the plaintiff have to necessarily file a seperate Affidavit of Facts while in Order VI Rule 15 verification is to be signed at the end of the pleadings