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Difference between inter corporate deposits and loan to corporates

(Querist) 15 October 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Please let me know the difference between Inter Corporate Deposits and Loan to Corporates for a NBFC ( being it self coportate).

Reserve Bank Of India – Return to be filled up by NBFC -NBS 9 part II Application of Funds

1. Loans & Advances
(i) Secured 0.00 201
(ii) Unsecured 0.00 202
Total 0.00 210A
Of Total Loans & Advances
(a) Inter-Corporate Deposits 0.00 203
(b) Bills Purchased & Discounted 0.00 204
(c ) Loans to Corporates 0.00 205
(d) Others 0.00 206
Total Loans & Advances 0.00 210

(a) Inter-Corporate Deposits 0.00 203
(b) Bills Purchased & Discounted 0.00 204
(c ) Loans to Corporates 0.00 205
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Expert) 15 October 2016
Madhu if u put this query in CA club of inida then u may get proper answer for it.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 15 October 2016
No reply to academic query.

Question of audit / accounts no legal point in the query.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 16 October 2016
NO reply to academic query.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 16 October 2016
Your establishment must have retained your own counsel for such matters.

Madhu Mittal (Querist) 17 October 2016
Respected Sirs,
There is already Company Secretary, Chartered Accountant, Advocates retained by establishment, but yet whenever there is a confusion, one has to ask. With due respect to everybody, it is not an academic query. As NBS 9 has to be filled up, by understanding the difference between two. If wrong information is given due to any reason, it is legally not correct. That is why I think there may be a legal point later on for not giving correct information.
Thanks with regard for giving time to attend my query.
Guest (Expert) 17 October 2016
Hi Madhu Mittal,

It has been observed that your queries have mostly been of academic nature. Not only that you had been posting a long list of subsequent supplementary questions to fulfill the need of solutions to your academic queries.

Your plea, "If wrong information is given due to any reason, it is legally not correct," seems to be untenable. The question arises, as a Director of a company, I don't think that you are unable to afford hiring of services of some good experts to remove your doubts, if you consider the company CS, CAs and advocates incompetent to solve your problems.

Moreover, if audit of the company has already been accomplished, I wonder what type of worry you are bogged down about the information to be submitted through NBS 9.
Madhu Mittal (Querist) 17 October 2016
Respected Sir Dhingaji,
You are very senior and learned expert of this forum, I respect you, You always insist to hiring good experts on each and every issue. As I think you will also agree that no one person/expert can be supposed to have complete knowledge of every field, and this forum has the membership of about 360856 members and as I myself is not competent enough to judge the quality of any CS,CA and advocate at the time of taking advice, that is why I write here. And thanks for all the persons who started this forum and to those who render there precious advice on this forum. In most cases, My problems are practical, whether may be described as academic, is solved through this thread. I hope in future also will be solved if the members of this forum has knowledge of that problem.
Guest (Expert) 17 October 2016
Sorry Madhu ji,

I don't prefer to waste my precious time in imparting tutorials for academic queries and a lot of subsequent supplementary queries in academic type of questions, when no real problem has been discussed with the background history of the problem.

But, ethically, you are not justified in asking for charitable advice on your commercial queries, if that pertains to your company. So, better discuss the real problem, if you face any. Otherwise, offline and online academic literature is available in abundance that you can depend upon to satisfy your academic as well as commercial queries.

Madhu Mittal (Querist) 17 October 2016
Respected Sir Dhingaji,

No one can compel anybody to waste his precious time.
But I will come here whenever there is a problem to me.
My problems are practical, whether may be described as academic, and In most cases,is solved through this thread. I hope in future also will be solved if the members of this forum has knowledge of that problem.
Thanks with Regard,
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 17 October 2016
As informed already, no law point involved, point of procedure / accounting / audit are present.

Can post your query in CAclub India.
Guest (Expert) 17 October 2016
Your problem is that you don't come with the exact problem and its background but still you insist on your statement that your problems are practical, while all of your queries have been of theoretical nature.

Shri Rajendra K Goyal has rightly pointed out that no law point is involved in in your query.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 17 October 2016
Try also at:

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