Difference between Original Suit and Original Petition
Pramod Kumar
(Querist) 10 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
Dear Members,
Could you tell the difference wherein in what type of cases Original Suit is filed and in which other type of cases Original Petition is filed.
(Expert) 11 July 2009
Suit and petition are the nomenclatures created by law. practically, there is not much difference as far as relief part and pleading is concerned. Some special laws provide for petition e.g. Hindu Marriage Act or Representation of Peoples Act etc. In such cases the proceedings are referred as petitions. Suit is bit wider in the sense that some jurists also include criminal actions and call it as criminal suit.
sanjeev murthy desai
(Expert) 13 July 2009
Dear Palnitkar Sir,
Thank You sir for valuabale information.
Pramod Kumar
(Querist) 13 July 2009
Dear Members,
I appreciate your response and thanx for the valuable information.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed
(Expert) 13 July 2009
Original Petitions and Original suit.
Original petitions filed generally for specific relief.
Original suits filed for comprehensive relied under CPC.