Different surname
(Querist) 18 February 2014
This query is : Resolved
Dear Team
kindly suggest for what is result if fathers surname and son surname different.
fathers surname is MR DUBEY sons surname is Mr Sharma. the banker and financial institution does not accept the dual surname to accpet any loan . how we justify the surname different to avail loan from different bank. kindly suggest any legal paper will require for change the surname.
Vidhi Joshi
(Expert) 18 February 2014
provide affidavit and/or any supporting docs like school leaving certificate to relate both of them
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 19 February 2014
Bankers are not justified in refusing loan on this ground. Take up the matter with seniors. In case of need you may file affidavit and other supporting documents.
Shashikant V. Patil
(Expert) 19 February 2014
Affidavit in this regard and undertaking shall work out.