diffrence between tadipar and pasa
chaitanya khatri
(Querist) 11 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
fist of all diffrence between pasa and tadipar and when police will be arreseted in pasa. for Why? any rules for particular pasa and tadipar.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 11 March 2010
Prevention of Anti-Social Activities (PASA) Act can be invoked any person just as a preventive measure for some time like if idols are to be immersed then to detail agitating people till these are immersed whereas Tadipar is invoked against an accused if on the order of the court or higher police officials any accused is restrained for a long time not to enter any particular area, district, state etc.
In the former action, the person remains in the custody of police whereas in the latter case, such person remains free from custody of police.