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diffrence of powers

(Querist) 27 August 2008 This query is : Resolved 
could i know what is the diffrence between oath commissioner and notary public, what is the critaria to get this license?
V.Raghavan (Expert) 27 August 2008
Dear Satya. The Notary public functions as an attestor who verify the original document or situation prevailing and when it is in written it is attested so as to prove the copy as a fact.

The Oath commissioner can record the evidence of the party in a particular problem or case and put it in writing (that means a part of majistrate/judge Job). This is can be considered as a document and can be evidenced for the particular case.

An oath Commissioner can do the Notory Public's work but a Notory Public cannot do all the works of an Oath Commissioner.
Guest (Expert) 28 August 2008
Oath Commissioner can attest on documents and papers that are to be filed in a court whereas Notary attests Public Documents which can be presented anywhere.

OC has limited powers, Notary holds a much bigger responsiblity.

OC requires two years practice for appointment as OC but Notary requires a practice of seven or ten depending upon the state.
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 29 August 2008
well answered.
advocate satya (Querist) 29 August 2008
thank a lot all of you
Hiralal Das (Expert) 06 April 2009
I agree with views of the ld. friends.

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