Disconnecting my power connection without valid reason
(Querist) 12 May 2017
This query is : Resolved
Dear sir, I have a purchased a plot in the year 2011. And in 2017 I had applied for power connection on my plot. For power connection company has asked me to submit the noc from Grampanchayat and my proof of owner ship of prmisses for which I had applied for the connection. After taking noc from Grampanchayat I had applied for meter. And they alloted me the meter. Now after three month of connection. My ex owner as raised an objection. That's why they want to terminate my connection. So please and guide how can I stop them.
Rudrawar Narayanreddy
(Expert) 12 May 2017
Electricity company cannot disconnect power on application of somebody. You have to file injunction suit in court and get stay

(Expert) 12 May 2017
Yes.Agree with Mr.Reddy.Even a Tenant has got Right to have Power Supply with out the Consent of House Owner.It is basic necessity in Life.First Serve a Legal Notice to EB with the help of Local Good Senior Advocate.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 12 May 2017
Meet the concerned officer and if he does not agree to continue the connection, move legally to take a stay.

(Expert) 12 May 2017
Agreed with Mr.RK Goyal
(Expert) 12 May 2017
Ex owner already surrendered land legally, he has no right to disconnect electricity. Possibly u enquire the reason in concerned office n act upon
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 13 May 2017
You have posted that:
“they want to terminate my connection.”
The connection is not terminated.
Meet/inquire with jurisdictional office.
Reply to objection if any, under proper acknowledgment.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 13 May 2017
If you are unable to handle on your own, entrust to your very able local counsel of unshakable repute and integrity, specializing in such/Consumer Matters.

(Expert) 13 May 2017
Agree with Adv-Jeevan Patil Mumbai.It would be an Criminal Offence if the Owner does So.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 13 May 2017
Objection of ex-owner is invalid and illegal since he does not enjoy any locus after transfer of title.
Move to civil (district) court against the agency supplying power/asking NOC for installation of meter and/or cancellation and removal of meter.
Consult and engage a local lawyer for proper proceeding and guidance.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 13 May 2017
Agreeing with Dr J C Vashista.
Meter has been installed and you must have paid fee and bills.
The officials also know that the Ex-owner has lost the locus.
Still why they are indicating to you that meter shall be removed.
Inquire and post.
(Querist) 13 May 2017
Thanks sir.

(Expert) 14 May 2017
Welcome Please

(Expert) 14 May 2017
You have not replied the question of Mr. Sudhir Kumar. Any specific reason for that?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 14 May 2017
You are not sharing as to what is the objection of the ex-owner.
without this reply it is not possible to agree to disagree with any comment above.
He may (or may Not) be having a valid objection. If his objection is legally tenable then disconnection may (or may not) be legal.

(Expert) 14 May 2017
No Act entitles any one to take the law in to their hands.Even an House Owner Can not disconnect the basic needs like water Supply and Electricity etc of his Tenants what ever Reason may be.They should seek the remedy only thro Court.Proper implementation by the author would get back his facilities immediately.

(Expert) 14 May 2017
Mr. NJS Rajkumar,
We cannot assume, what could be the objection of the ex-owner and what could be the cause of the electricity company to consider his objection. More so the electricity has not yet been disconnected, as the author himself has made mention only about the intention of the company saying, " they want to terminate my connection."
Thus, unless he comes out with the full facts, nobody can say definitely that his Electricity connection can be terminated or not. BUT the author is silent on the question of Mr. Sudhir Kumar.
If the company intends to disconnect the connection, in the absence of the facts to be narrated by the author the only assumption can be made that the author is in unauthorised occupation of the house without any title having been transferred in his name. Of course, from his own description one thing is certain that he is not a tenant and cannot enjoy rights of a tenant.

(Expert) 14 May 2017
Thanks Senior Expert/Senior Advocate Mr.P.S.Dhingra
(Querist) 16 May 2017
At first sorry sir for late reply . I was busy in finding the local. lawyer for my case . Now at first the list of document of property in my possion is as follow.
1) registered sale deed
2)7/12 extract in my name
3) Grampanchayat noc for meter connection to power company.
Now the list of document in my ex owner hand is as follow :
1) permission for construction of building in his name. Taken in the year 2010.( I had purchase the plot from him in 2011).
2)the cancellation letter of noc from Grampanchayat. My ex owner with help of political contact forced the Grampanchayat to cancel my noc given for meter connection.
This two paper he had submitted to power company for removal of my power connection.
And the power company accepted his request and given me seven day notice for the same.
When I contacted to power as suggested by our lawyer present here in chat. The power company replied me in the following way.
1) they said that since noc of Grampanchayat on which basis we had given you power connection is cancelled we are helpless. The only way to is get the same noc again from Grampanchayat . To avoid disconnection
When I contacted Grampanchayat to ask why the cancelled my noc without prior notice to me the answer was as
1)they said they Recived the request from my exowner for the same. And they can't help me any more and said me. To go out of there premises.
Now Sir this is all what happened till today.
What I had done is that I had appointed a local lawyer to take injestion in connection removal. And my lawyer suggested to make all three of them( my ex owner, power company, Grampanchayat) party in the case
I think by tommorow my lawyer will file the suite and take the injestion .
Right now my self in court itself and doing documentation work for with my lawyer.
Sir now please can you tell whether my Request for injestion will be accepted or denied. Will I can justice.
Please suggest . Waiting for reply.
(Querist) 16 May 2017
Pls reply.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 17 May 2017
The permission to construct building is of what sense if plot is sold by registered sale deed.
What does this NOC is for?
Some pending dues?
You have acted wisely by engaging a local counsel.

(Expert) 18 May 2017
Your lawyer has rightly advised to make all the three as party to suit. Injunction in your favour is almost sure.

(Expert) 18 May 2017
Agree with Experts
(Querist) 19 May 2017
Sir but holiday court has rejected my case. They said that I had to Waite till court vacation ends. Now how I can stop them to disconnect my power. The power company is not ready to listen any thing.
(Querist) 19 May 2017
Now totally lost. To whom and where should I go for justice. For holiday court my matter is so small that it doesn't need urgent attention. For me if power goes off my self will be on footpath. I have no place to go. My workshop will be closed. How I will manage my family of four. Now I come to understand this world. Only corrupt people have the power. And ordinary people like us has no place to go. Every one has closed there eyes. Even court does not time for people like us. What is my mistake Sir. What I had done wrong. My only mistake is never settled for wrong commitment. This court ,judges our judisary system is fake. Just story written on the book. And only useful tool for rich people. Which they can used to destroy poor people. Actually now I understand why crime happened. See when a person is right from every side of the law still he can't do anything. Then he has two option either commite suside or kill the opposition. My exowner is demanding 1.5 corer from me that's to in cash in one-shot.so that he will take his case back. But the fact is I don't have 1.5 Lakh . Now what can I do . He has left no way to go.

(Expert) 19 May 2017
Better Meet the Very Senior Officials of concerned Electricity Dept.

(Expert) 19 May 2017
Your Advocate could have Pleaded atleast for a Stay.Better Meet the Senior Officials
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 19 May 2017
"My exowner is demanding 1.5 corer from me that's to in cash in one-shot.so that he will take his case back. But the fact is I don't have 1.5 Lakh .
Record his demands (audio/visual/witnessed).
Seems to be some error.
Whatever it is 1.5Cr or 1.5lacs: if you don't owe then he can't demand and you don't have to pay.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 19 May 2017
Come waht may
you are not sharing the necessary facts and yhet expecting a free advise.
You want this forum to reply to the questions like :-
""My exowner is demanding 1.5 corer from me that's to in cash in one-shot.so that he will take his case back. But the fact is I don't have 1.5 Lakh ."
"What I had done wrong."
"Sir now please can you tell whether my Request for injestion will be accepted or denied. "

(Expert) 19 May 2017
Agree with Experts
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 19 May 2017
1) permission for construction of building in his name. Taken in the year 2010.( I had purchase the plot from him in 2011).
2)the cancellation letter of noc from Grampanchayat. My ex owner with help of political contact forced the Grampanchayat to cancel my noc given for meter connection.
This two paper he had submitted to power company for removal of my power connection.
You have not replied to:
What does this NOC is for?
Some pending dues?
If Gram Panchayat is committing some transgression then you should meet Official in Charge (above Garm Panchayat) office also, in addition to senior officials of Electricity Supply company.
Take help of some senior Counsel.
If Ex. Land owner has applied some political pressure then you may approach your community leaders, Your manufacturer’s association leaders etc etc and approach concerned political MLA etc and counter the moves………………….
You are facing hardships, you need to act, to defend your interest.

(Expert) 20 May 2017
Agree with Expert
(Querist) 16 June 2017
Sir as per your suggestions I had engaged a best local lawyer for my case . And tommorow is the hearing . My lawyer say tommorow will be argument. And then court will grant stay on removal of connection. Please pray for me.