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Disposal of cr. transfer petition in hon'ble sc

(Querist) 31 January 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Experts,

I'm very disappointed that my CR. Transfer petition in the SC has been disposed in favour of the respondent (wife).

They already have filed 498a on all our family and relatives and then this kind of judgement by SC. Is there any justice still living in our country.

How in the world that same allegations can be permitted for trial at different states. This happens only in INDIA where sympathy kills justice even at the highest level.

This is the kind of judgements that encourage false cases throughout the country.

I was informed by our advocate that the male judge was in favour of the transfer but the only female judge unfortunately presided over the case and rejected the transfer.

The thing is that the only lady judge is from the Tamil Nadu the same state as that of the respondent.

How can this be allowed by SC, this is a clear conflict and huge sympathy advantage towards the respondent.

By this judgement the SC has stamped again that women can files cases at different places for the same allegations. GREAT JUDICIAL SYSTEM.

Can I complain to the new Chief Justice that this a clear conflict of interest and undue advantage for the respondent to have a lady judge from her state.

No divorce or counter cases filed but still this kind of judgement. WAH!!!!

I believe with this judgement from the great lady judge no men can ever get transfer because the SC just doesn't care about merits.
P. Venu (Expert) 01 February 2017
The posting is more of opinions than any material facts.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 February 2017
What is the dispute?

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