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(Querist) 31 October 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Dear esteemed members of the forum,

I am a 36 year old female..Married 3 years ago.

My husband is 3 years younger than me. I am well qualified and financially well off. My husband and Mother in law started harassing me 6 months after marriage. My husband has also absubed me physically//but I have no proof for it.

My husband and his mother are very brashfull and uncivil in their behaviour ..even the neigbours do not talk to them.
I have been trying to work things out amicably but both of them are very insensitive and cruel.

I have been living seperately from them...currently with my parents..My husband threatens to file a divorce..Can he do that without my consent.
I do not have any affairs or have never ever indulged in any activity which is considered not permissible as per conventional standards....My husband keeps saying that we are financially well off..and that I am well educated and professionally well the court will not consider my contention against the this true?
ajay sethi (Expert) 31 October 2012
if you dont agree to divorce your hsuband will have an uphill task . it may take years at least in mumbai . however if you are financially well of and working you may not get maintenace . contact a local lawyer
Sanjeev (Expert) 31 October 2012
Divorce is not granted like that if you dont consent to it and fight back it may take years and still it would not be granted.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 31 October 2012
Anybody can get divorce if his/her contention in the court is established.
So if you do not want divorce then contest the same in court.
Whatever you husband says has not much importance.
JANAK RAJ VATSA (Expert) 01 November 2012
you have to contest your husband petition for divorce in the court if you do not want it. he will have an arduous task to get thru it.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 01 November 2012
If he files Divorce, you have to contest it.

If u don't like him and his family, Better leave him , Filing 13B MCD

U SAID "My husband and his mother are very brashfull and uncivil in their behaviour ..even the neigbours do not talk to them."


Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 02 November 2012
I have also similar opinion as of /shroff.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 02 November 2012
He is threatening only because you are scared
of that what would not be an easy task for him.
But why you wish to continue the tie when relation is already over.

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