Querist :
(Querist) 18 February 2010
This query is : Resolved
got married on 15 june 2009.she is doctor and she is persuing her dnb course from nagpur.but my relationship did not went very well after my marriage.So now i ahve decided to take divorce we havent met or even communicated with each other for last 6 months.please help me how soon can i start the procedure.i stay in kanpur
Arvind Singh Chauhan
(Expert) 19 February 2010
Just rethink friend, wait and try to reconcile. In such a short span I think you both could not share your feelings with each other.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 19 February 2010
I do agree with arvind. Nothing has been cited by you which may be described a reason for leading you to come to this conclusion of seeking divorce. It is not so easy as you think.
ad. creaminall
(Expert) 19 February 2010
arvind and mr. raj kumar are right. you must rethink.
Querist :
(Querist) 19 February 2010
There is a reason for me to do this bcoz my wife she is having an affair with a boy who also lives in nagpur and i have tried to talk over this but she is not ready to for any solution she just married to me for money.Whenever i try to go there she fight for some or the other reason and pull me out of her house .she never even bother to talk to talk to me or either my family memebers.these all situations have led me to think divore iam at present 35 and she is 31.when she wont let me live there then there is no chance of reprodution too
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