Divorce proceedings..
(Querist) 13 February 2013
This query is : Resolved
Respected Members,
I recently filed divorce petition on the grounds of cruelty, she is not with me for the past 18 months. PLease enlighten me on the following points :
1. what are the steps in the process of the divorce, i mean after filing the petition steps involved up to hearings.
2. Regarding 498a/DV cases : presently there are is no case filed. But if she filed, what is the strength of the cases as they are filed after much delay and also after filing the divorce. Also there are no proofs for the same as nothing such sort of things happened. The main reason of the divorce is, she wants me to leave my parents and to transfer all the properties in her name.
PLease help me in this regard.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 13 February 2013
try for reconcilation stay in rented flat near your parents place .
after filing of divorce petition your wife will be served a copy . you have to lead evidence in support of your claim . the said evidence has to be tested in cross examination .
ANIL KUMAR 8867907494
(Expert) 13 February 2013
1.Court will summon ur wife then mediation if the issue is resolved case will be closed if not evidence and judgement
2. For this point i can give general advice since i have no knowledge of facts, details of her complaint , i can say u have to take anticipatory bail for u and ur family and disprove her allegations
(Expert) 13 February 2013
Contents of Divorce petition are important.
Why fear imaginary 498, dv cases.
If filed, u hv no alternate but defend.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 13 February 2013
I do agree with the advice of experts on this subject.