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Divorse and Proporty query

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 05 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
we have applied for divorse under mutual consent. if in case my wife come back then
1) i dont want her to be part of my parent's proporty.
2) Also if i invest my money/future property on my relatives name then

In above cases whether she is entitled for any of the proporty.

Please Advice

Thanks & Regards
Ashok Kadam
Adv Archana Deshmukh (Expert) 05 December 2009
Even if you invest your money or buy property in your name, you can make a WILL in respect of your property in favour of any person you wish.
In case of your parents property, your wife has no independent share till you are alive.
A V Vishal (Expert) 05 December 2009
I agree to Archana regarding share of your wife wrt yours paternal property, however to your query "Also if i invest my money/future property on my relatives name then" , such property is deemed to be benami and your wife can claim on basis of the same.

Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 December 2009
After seeking divorce your wife has got no right to claim any share in yours or yours parents property. Be assured.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 05 December 2009
agree with Adv Archana
aman kumar (Expert) 11 December 2009
what you want sir ?,if you aplies for divorce than your wife have no right on any type of property if she come back ?? than you can make a will, but yours paternal property may be claim by her but but first you makes the mind clear that you want divorce or not ???? than ask plzzz
aman kumar (Expert) 11 December 2009
what you want sir ?,if you aplies for divorce than your wife have no right on any type of property if she come back ?? than you can make a will, but yours paternal property may be claim by her but but first you makes the mind clear that you want divorce or not ???? than ask plzzz

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