Do i have rights to not to accept a condition in my appointment letter?
(Querist) 18 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Hello, I am Janakiraman. I am working in a MNC company as Trainee Finance. Now my training period in this company is over. Due to some reasons my confirmation is freezed by our HR team. As per Our company policy, training period cannot be extended anymore. So our HR has now decided to outsource my manpower from outside consultancy. Today I have received the appointment letter from that outsourcing company and I am ready to accept the all their terms EXCEPT the point (salary payout will be made latest by 9th of following month). CAN I MAKE A COMMENT REGARDING THIS POINT.? DO I HAVE RIGHT TO NOT TO ACCEPT THIS POINT? BECAUSE AS PER OUR COMPANY, EARLIER I WAS RECIEVING MY SALARY ON 31ST OF EVERY MONTH. NOW I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS TERM, AS I HAVE LOTS OF PROMISES TO DO IT ON OR BEFORE 5TH OF EVERY MONTH. I COULD NOT GET PROPER RESPONSE FROM MY HR TEAM ALSO. REQUEST YOU ALL TO HELP ME IN THIS REGARD...PLEASE...URGENT..
ajay sethi
(Expert) 18 June 2012
if you want the job you have to accept the terms and conditions . you are just starting your career . at this stage one has to make compromises.
you can suggest that you would be grateful if salry is paid by 30th of month . if company is not agreeable accept it if you want the job
Kiran Kumar
(Expert) 18 June 2012
you cannot dictate terms to the company.
if you are not willing to accept the terms and conditions of the contract then you may not sign the contract and look for some other job.
though company cannot violate written text of law and in your case there is no violation.
(Expert) 19 June 2012
You have all the freedom to reject the terms and conditions of the appointment order and hence to get terminated from the posting obtained.