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Dowry Matter - Its very urgent

(Querist) 23 January 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear all,
FIR lodged by the complainant on 03.09.2008. Police department for unknown reason delaying to file chargesheet. Though the complainant had been admitted in hospital for approx 2 months due to physical & mental attrocities by the respondents. Every medical certificates & documentary evidences of dowry has also been submitted to the Police. Police had spoken to complainant that after "Panchnama" they would file charge-sheet, but even after 4months they didn't. The complainant is financially not sound & police is asking for bribe to file charge-sheet.
What can we do in such case??
It's question of one young girl life, who had been married only few months back.
Pls guide me so that i can help them. I'm also a law student.
I will be grateful to you people..
Its very urgent.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 23 January 2009
Make a complaint to the DCP or commissioner of police as well as to the anti corruption dept.Also write a letter to Registrar of the High Court with a request to take cognizance as PIL
Somnath mukherjee (Expert) 24 January 2009
Make a complain to the magistrate or the higher police official.
vinjamuri ranga babu (Expert) 26 January 2009
hello friend,
gone through the details but your submissions above are not sufficient to give a legal opinion. any how in view of your request and anxiety, i can give an idea, so that you can follow and apply and get good result.

1. as per your complaint, the police are supposed to receive your dowry complaint and chargesheet is to be filed within 90days, if at all the police have not filed within the time, it is for the police to explain for such delay. but,it seems your averments lacking whether the police received the complaint or not> you please give the details of FIR in any case the police havenot taken any action till today, you have alternative remedy to file a private complaint under sec200cr.p.c for not taking any action against the alleged accused, if you can provide more information then you may get good advise.
vinjamuri ranga babu (Expert) 13 July 2009
i understood the problem. this is unfortunate in our society that police were not able to help to the poor people and as per you this can be an example.
i suggest you that

1. you can make private complaint before the majistrate u/s 200 cr.p.c stating all the facts and circumstances, so that the majistrate can take the case directly.

2. you also can make application before human rights commission and as well as to higher authorities of the police people in written .
3. you didn't mention that whether FIR has been lodged or not? so far as charge sheet is concerned, the police must file a charge sheet with in 90days and they may take further some time after getting permission. So, you no need to worry about filing of charge sheet it is for the people to take care and if any query dont hesitate and i am always be here to help to the poor people.
thanks and regards

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