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dv act maintenace and hmp sec24

(Querist) 25 March 2018 This query is : Resolved 
hello sir. In dv act jmfc order me 5000pm maintanance.After that in hmp.order me 9000pm upto case disposed. After that hmp diclosed. session court order me in dv act 24000pm.after that Hc order me 18000pm. my wife now proceedings both hmp sec.24 amount in senior civil div and sec.128 in jmfc. My Question is1) may i give both maintrnance? 2)my paying maintance money will be adjust in both cases?
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 29 March 2018
Not very clear drafted query.
Consult your lawyer whom you have already engaged and well acquainted qua facts and circumstances of the case, able, competent and intelligent enough to answer your query.
However, both the awards shall have to be honoured/paid but the amount shall be adjusted.
Wakle (Querist) 06 April 2018
hi its very clear story that wife file case for recovery amt which was passed under sec.24 in the court of senior civil div. Also file case for recovery amount which was passed in dv act under sec crpc 128 in the court of JFMC. my question is 1) may i give both maintenance 2) both maintenance adjust to each other.3)how to fight both cases?wat i do?

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