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Dv case by wife even after maintenance award of rs 10000

(Querist) 24 June 2016 This query is : Resolved 
My wife is seperated since april'2013.
she is staying at her mother's house.
For about 2 years i given her voluntary money by money order @rs 5000/- per month considering my minor daughter. i tried all ways to take her back. in the mean time i lost my job in jan'2015. out of sheer frustration i stop sending her money. she filed CRPC 125 against me. In nov'2015 the interim order of rs 10000/- (rs 5000/- each for daughter and wife) awarded to her inspite of my being jobless.
I went for appeal/criminal motion in Jan' 2016. i was paying her maintenance @rs 8000/- per month as per the upper court. now on 31.05.2016 my appeal was dismissed on contest by the learned court i.e i will have to pay her @rs 10000/-monthly.

on the top of this she has just filed DV case against me, my parents and surprisingly one female freind of mine with whom i am not in talking terms. she has asked for rs 50000/- per month as maintenance, rs 15000/- for rental accomodation per month and rs 66lac compensation. i have almost lost my sleep seeing this crazy figures. tensions at home are mounting up since my father is a blood cancer patient for 4 years and myself is not having any job at this moment. sir my questions are
1. how can she asked for maintenance when she is already getting it and that too on higher side.
2. In Feb'2016 i had filed RCR and applied for visiting rights of my daughter. is this RCR case can give any edge in fighting the DV case.
3.Is that my wife is trying to utilize that female against me. but in that case why she has made that female a party of her DV case. what can be her ploy.
please throw some light on this and help me.
N.B This female is a widow (4 years) with one daughter of 23 years. she was one year junior to me in the 12th standerd. but after 12 std we never met. accidentally we met in jan'2014 after one years and 9 month of my wife's departure. I came to know that she has become widow. out of simple sympathy and humane ground i had went to her place for a cup of tea couple of times. but when she tried to take advancement, i didnot like and discarded communications. the story is like this but i do not understand how come she is connected to my wife and come into this DV picture.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 25 June 2016
1. Well, the maintenance granted in 125 crpc case and one under DV case is adjusted with each other. So you have inform the court while hearing interim petition.
2.RCR has no nexus with maintenance case.
3.Without seeing the contents of the DV petition it is difficult to advise.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 June 2016
1. Bring the fact that you are paying maintenance and is jobless in the court file.
2. RCR may not be helpful in maintenance case, if she does not return, it may help in divorce proceedings.
3. Full case file need to be referred, discuss with your lawyer.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 25 June 2016
You can benefit from the advise of experts.
R.K Nanda Online (Expert) 25 June 2016
Nothing to add.

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