Education loan repayment
Querist :
(Querist) 24 September 2017
This query is : Resolved
Hi All,
When I was doing my btech in 2004 my father availed education loan of 1.5 lakhs from Canara bank.fee per year was 20k but he added up all things and availed the amount.i finished btech,was having no info about the btech loan repayment. availed education loan again for abroad for my masters of ~6 lakhs.i was doing a part time job and I repayed my abroad loan in a year and I sent money to my dad to repay the btech loan as well when he said to me it's still pending.i also sent him some more money to clear his credits.Now from past 4 years we had a clash in family and he asked me my mom and brother to leave the house and we are staying away and I am taking care of family.i got married took house and paying emi's and running my house.recently I am getting calls from bank about this loan(number given by my dad).i told them to contact my dad as I already gave money to him and he is earning lot than me. could you guide me on this as how this would go if I wanted can I make my father to pay the loan.what are the circumstances I might forsee with this.I already gave all my money to my dad and he threw us outside and I was having nothing with me when I left house but now leading manageable life.
Thank you.
(Expert) 24 September 2017
So you want to run away from your responsibility towards your father, who brought you up and made your career also?
(Expert) 24 September 2017
Mr. Anonymous querist,
Don't be so thankless to your father and selfish in yourself. Not only you are liable to pay the education loan taken for you, but also can be made legally liable to pay your parents maintenance charges till the end of their life, if they desire so.
You must clear the loan dues.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 24 September 2017
no reply to anonymous query.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 September 2017
No reply to query from an author who is anonymous.
You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.
(Expert) 24 September 2017
Whether an Anonymous it self could say No reply to Anonymous
(Expert) 24 September 2017
Obviously Mr.RK Goyal Please ...................
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 September 2017
Neither it is a good habit nor requirement of the thread to comment on others.
Try to be sober.
One can reply anonymous query, if want or have capacity / knowledge.
(Expert) 24 September 2017
Thanks to Mr RK Goyal the Anonymous for exposing his fakeness,guiltiness and facts about his own posts.Appreciated
(Expert) 24 September 2017
By the way Master RK Goyal have you completed the School's home work for the day as you had already stated your Class Miss is a very Strict Person please
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 25 September 2017
it would be better for the forum / author to contribute and share your knowledge if you can / have, rather to comment only for comments.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 25 September 2017
Some experts are in the habit of giving lectures having vested interests rather to advice in positive way / contribute for the query.
Their single moto is to close this forum.
Probably they may not succeed.
P. Venu
(Expert) 25 September 2017
You cannot escape from the liability of settling the educational loan, whatever be the circumstances.
(Expert) 26 September 2017
Mr. Rajendra K Goyal,
Whatsoever be your dispute with Mr. N.J.S. Rajkumar, or whatever the experts Prabhakar Singh, ji, Anirudh ji, Arunagiri ji, Dr. J.C.Vashist ji, Kumar Doab ji, or anyone else would have said for or against him, you should be concerned with yourself only, if anybody raises any doubt about you or your advice.
DON'T FORGET that on this site the people like to see the face of the person, who advises them, not your 2 years old infant grandson, behind whom you keep yourself hidden, i.e., the infant with milk teeth having not yet grown fully in his mouth.
You should also know that your 2 year old infant is neither registered at the LCI as expert, nor he is rendering an advice, nor he is capable to render any advice to the querists.
If you are really an expert, be bold enough to show your face on the site, so that people should know who actually advises them, as an adviser, not from behind an infant. WHY AFRAID OF POSTING YOUR OWN PIC.?
(Expert) 26 September 2017
Merely stating, "no reply to query from an author who is anonymous" on most of the queries can neither be called any type of advice, nor shows your expertise, nor justifies your riding on the top of experts Hall of Fame at the site of LCI that too by hiding behind an infant child. This is clearly an open fraud on your part with the public as well as the admin of the site.
(Expert) 26 September 2017
I suppose Mr. Jigyasu has made a perfect analysis of the character of an expert. The concerned expert perhaps have the need to make a cool review of his own position at least ten times on such issues raised, as by Mr. Jigyasu.
(Expert) 26 September 2017
Thanks Mr. Dhingra, for your appreciation. It is for the expert to understand, where actually he stands, if he is in any misconception about his being an expert.
Querist :
(Querist) 28 September 2017
Thank you for your suggestions and advice.
For those who didn't understand the details in question ,I didn't run away from responsibilities ,my mom ,my brother stay with me and and I am taking care of thier responsibilities till date ,along with my wife ,two baby girls and my grand parents,my father is living alone and he wanted to.
My mom and dad wanted to take divorce some time back and I stopped them as I don't want the family to split as it makes things more worse.i attempted to meet my dad and convince to come during my marriage,when I took home, during my first and second baby fifth attempt after spending 6 months of energy ,career ,money of going towards his place (~100 km) from my place he came to us and was not able to stay for more than 3 weeks.i even said if it is his ego which is not allowing him to stay in my house,I can write this house on his name ,if it makes him comfortable.but he fought with my mom and left us again( bet my mom and pulled her mangalsutr) they both are 50 and 55 years old and not in a position to listen to some third party advice.i always supported my mom as I always felt she lived and living for me and my brother.even though she moved away from my father for past 4 years ,there was never a day she felt in her mind that she should get some financial support from him. Reckon woman can go to court and get there right full share from husband.
Now my intention in posting in this forum is to get info on what happens if I wish to make my dad pay for this (technical facts) but not needless gyan and a fight between yourself .
I wanted may father to pay this coz ,my mom and my brother and my relatives wanted this to be taken care by him as they are pity on me ,as I had taken care of ~6 lakhs of my master's loan and helped my small brother to clear his ~9 lakhs of master's loan took house on my own did marriage on my own.paying house and car emi on my own and taking care of my mom supported on all these morally,it's been more than 4years ,me and she still get threatening calls from my father side.please understand the fact that the we are all together except the deeds what he did had made him out of the family.
My father lost his respect from us by drinking and harassing my mom and we had it since childhood .we reached the threshold and we are willing to stay away from him.
Thank you again.
Querist :
(Querist) 28 September 2017
Thank you for your suggestions and advice.
For those who didn't understand the details in question ,I didn't run away from responsibilities ,my mom ,my brother stay with me and and I am taking care of thier responsibilities till date ,along with my wife ,two baby girls and my grand parents,my father is living alone and he wanted to.
My mom and dad wanted to take divorce some time back and I stopped them as I don't want the family to split as it makes things more worse.i attempted to meet my dad and convince to come during my marriage,when I took home, during my first and second baby fifth attempt after spending 6 months of energy ,career ,money of going towards his place (~100 km) from my place he came to us and was not able to stay for more than 3 weeks.i even said if it is his ego which is not allowing him to stay in my house,I can write this house on his name ,if it makes him comfortable.but he fought with my mom and left us again( bet my mom and pulled her mangalsutr) they both are 50 and 55 years old and not in a position to listen to some third party advice.i always supported my mom as I always felt she lived and living for me and my brother.even though she moved away from my father for past 4 years ,there was never a day she felt in her mind that she should get some financial support from him. Reckon woman can go to court and get there right full share from husband.
Now my intention in posting in this forum is to get info on what happens if I wish to make my dad pay for this (technical facts) but not needless gyan and a fight between yourself .
I wanted may father to pay this coz ,my mom and my brother and my relatives wanted this to be taken care by him as they are pity on me ,as I had taken care of ~6 lakhs of my master's loan and helped my small brother to clear his ~9 lakhs of master's loan took house on my own did marriage on my own.paying house and car emi on my own and taking care of my mom supported on all these morally,it's been more than 4years ,me and she still get threatening calls from my father side.please understand the fact that the we are all together except the deeds what he did had made him out of the family.
My father lost his respect from us by drinking and harassing my mom and we had it since childhood .we reached the threshold and we are willing to stay away from him.
Thank you again.