Education loan repayment time extension after one year
Priyabrata Jena
(Querist) 27 December 2016
This query is : Resolved
I am Priyabrata Jena take a education loan from UCO Bank,Banarpal,Odisha on the date 30/9/2012 amount 3,30,000 .The amount repayment time starts on 30/9/2016 .completion of my on the year 2015.
due to the preparation for Govt.job,unemployment & my family income is less than 2.5 lakhs .due to which I can't repay the EMI & It is impossible for me .The bank call me say continue repaying .when I say the problem they said deposit the EMI otherwise your account is NPA & your career is hampered due to the CIVIL case.
When I say please increase my repayment time for 7 to 8 month's, they don't hear my matter. they said please see the RBI guidelines.
1) Please suggest me what is the RBI guidelines for my case to increase the repayment time?
2)due to the civil case any hamper to my career for Govt. Job ?
3)How I relief from this situation?
adv.bharat @ PUNE
(Expert) 27 December 2016
Local state government had scheme to give financial help to student can give u little relief.
Will u appreciate this answer by giving like on my LCI profile?

(Expert) 27 December 2016
I am Sorry to State that Recently In Tamilnadu A Student who is A Farmer's Son had Committed Suicide when Collection Agents Of Reliance Took away his Certificates.These Reliance People Take Over the Loans given by Banks by Just paying the 50% of the Principal Amount Out Standing to the Banks the Actual Lender to the Students and their collection People Take Extreme Steps to collect It with Interest and Penal Interest Etc.So Be Bold and Face them With Courage.Do Not give Any Cheques for Interim Reliefs which would Land you in More Trouble.Better Discuss with the Bank the Actual Lender before they could Transfer to Any One and Finalize for Minimum Amount Waiving off the Interest and other Penalties Etc and Better settle by One Time Settlement and Come out of it at the Earliest.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 27 December 2016
You have taken loan and it is your legal, moral duty to pay in time.
Bank has given you loan for studies, which are complete, time to get job has also passed, you have not paid the loan, you should arrange and proceed to pay.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 27 December 2016
You asked:
1) Please suggest me what is the RBI guidelines for my case to increase the repayment time?
Increase in repayment time is matter between Bank and borrower, as per agreement. RBI has not given any discretion to borrower to get extra time as a matter of right.
You asked:
2)due to the civil case any hamper to my career for Govt. Job ?
Depend on type of job applied.
You asked:
3)How I relief from this situation?
Better pay the irregularity, keep the account regularize.