Election officer ...
(Querist) 16 March 2013
This query is : Resolved
During the process of Elections of a Regd. Society 2 Election Officers were nominated at the General Body Meetings.
The Election officers are now demanding the Managing Committee the Voters List but the Managing Committee is providing them only with List of Members as per Members Registers stating that its the job of the Election Officer to prepare the Voters List as there is some confusion regarding the memberships of the Society and no one wants to take the responsibility.
Whose job it is to prepare the Voters list and if it is not the Election Officers Job what more job he has. The Bye laws of the Society are silent regarding this ...
Thanks ...
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 16 March 2013
It is the outgoing management which has to provide list to the returning officer/election officer. They have to provide them constitution of society. They have to bear electoral expenses out of society funds.
Nothing new. outgoing executive sure of not being able to get re-elected always behaves like this.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 16 March 2013
There may be many members who might not have obeyed the verdict of the society like non clearance of dues and may be other reasons vie which those members might not have been entitled to cast their votes but this responsibility rests with the outgoing management to decide such issues as election commission has to perform only the election among the valid voter list provided by the outgoing management seeking their services in this regard.